Lisa Mintz Wins the Prestigious Nature Inspiration Award 2021

Did you know Lisa Mintz, our executive director, won an important award that celebrates nature leaders? The Canadian Museum of Nature awarded Lisa their Nature Inspiration Award (Adult category) for 2021.

The museum cited a number of reasons Lisa stands out as someone whose leadership connects others with the natural world:

  • Her efforts in mobilizing fellow environmentalists and community groups to save the falaise Saint-Jacques from clearcutting led to the 2020 announcement by Montréal’s mayor of a 60-hectare urban park.
  • The group she founded, Sauvons la Falaise! started Lisa on the successful path of environmental activism. She’s involved with six environmental organizations, either as a founder or Chair, including Sauvons-l’anse-à-l’orme, Technoparc oiseaux, and Trainsparence.
  • She became an avid birder and worked to protect the threatened habitat in Montréal of a small breed of hero called the Least Bittern. Lisa initiated a court case in 2016 that led to a small federal preserve being created around its nesting site.
  • She is active in the Green Coalition, an umbrella organization for more than 80 environmental groups in Quebec.
  • As co-founder and executive director of UrbaNature, she’s committed to nature education.
  • Her talks on the theme of Ten Steps to Change the World inspire individuals to help improve the environment in which they live. 

To learn more about Lisa’s achievements, read the article on the Canadian Museum of Nature website.

Or check out the video below.

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About the author
UrbaNature Education teaches environmental education in urban and suburban settings. We facilitate the human connection with nature, wherever it is found, ensuring our programs are available to all, especially vulnerable populations.