The Falaise Bioblitz, organized in 2022 on April 30th, was coordinated by UrbaNature Education, the Canadian Wildlife Federation and Sustainable Youth Canada as part of the City Nature Challenge 2022! The challenge was organized by Technoparc Oiseaux and the Campus Biodiversity Network in Greater Montreal; and hosted by the Canadian Wildlife Federation and iNaturalist in Canada.
About 150 people showed up to take in the wilderness of the falaise Staint-Jacques on Earth Week 2022. UrbaNature-led nature walks, bird walks and local environmental organizations had tables where they explained to those attending how they were working to make the neighbourhood a better place. Some of the attending groups were: les amis du parc Meadowbrook, les amis du parc Angringon, Sauvons la falaise!, Éco-quartier NDG and many more.
People came from all over Montreal to see the City’s newest grand parc and contribute to citizen scientist research using iNaturalist. The event was a fun, family-friendly and relaxing opportunity and attracted people of all ages.
For more information:
Re inaturalist:…/defi-nature-urbaine-city…